A glass of honey water every day helps you lose weight and against health problems Various studies have shown that a glass of hot honey water you drink every day can benefit your health. However, it must be consumed really regularly and on an empty stomach. This is shown by current studies.
The need for vitamin D can hardly be met in Switzerland in winter Studies have shown that both a large proportion of children and adolescents and around half of those over 65 in Germany have more or less reduced vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency is also widespread in the Swiss population.
Do mushrooms protect our brain functions? Physicians have now found that consuming mushrooms regularly appears to prevent memory and language problems from occurring in people over the age of 60. The University of Singapore scientists found in their current study that people in the Age over 60 years who eat mushrooms more than twice a week are less likely to suffer from memory and language problems.
Heart-healthy nutrition: Mediterranean cuisine to prevent heart disease Cardiovascular diseases are still the most common cause of death in Germany. Such diseases are usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle with little exercise and improper eating. Proper nutrition can lower the risk of heart disease.
Is glyphosate the Achilles' heel of the drug giant? The ice on which the Bayer Group is moving is getting thinner. The next verdict in the weed killer glyphosate trial was recently announced. The drug is suspected of being carcinogenic. The U.S. jury saw a link between plaintiff Edwin Hardeman's cancer and controversial weed killer Roundup's contact, and sentenced Bayer to $ 80 million in damages.
What to do if you are allergic to iodine Regular iodine intake is essential for your metabolism and hormone balance. It is all the more problematic if the body is allergic to the trace element. The resulting deficiency symptoms can range from metabolic problems and hormone disorders to mental loss of function.